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The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation cardholders, to receive subsidies for medical and/or dental care at participating General Practitioner (GP) and dental clinics.

Besides subsidies for care at CHAS clinics, CHAS, MG and PG cardholders enjoy subsidised referrals to public Specialist Outpatient Clinics (SOCs), as well as subsidised referrals to the National Dental Centre Singapore and National University Centre for Oral Health Singapore*, if required.

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*For CHAS Blue/Orange, Pioneer Generation, Merdeka Generation, cardholders only

For patients with chronic conditions, CHAS complements the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP), which allows for MediSave to be used for outpatient treatment (for the same set of chronic conditions) covered under CHAS. Besides enjoying CHAS subsidies for the treatment of their chronic conditions, patients can also tap on their MediSave to defray part of the cost of these treatments.  Please see here for more information.

What if your patient is a Public Assistance card (PA) cardholder?

Singapore Citizens who are on Public Assistance (PA) will receive full subsidies for treatment of conditions covered under CHAS Blue tier. To receive subsidies at participating CHAS GP and dental clinics, Singapore Citizens on PA will need to produce their PA card and NRIC upon registration.

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Have a question/feedback or need assistance?  Please click here to contact us.

The following resources may be useful to you:

You may click here​ to download the CHAS collaterals.​​​​

To be eligible for government subvention under CHAS, the medical clinic and GP must both be accredited under the Medisave for Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP) framework.

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Click here​ to find out more about the application process.​​