Childhood Developmental Screening (CDS) is conducted as part of preventive care for all children, with the aim of identifying children at risk of developmental delay for early intervention.

There are seven recommended touchpoints spread across the first 6 years. Each screening visit includes a combination of growth monitoring, physical examination and developmental check on the four domains: personal-social, fine motor, gross motor and language. These screenings are typically conducted together with the recommended childhood vaccinations.

The recommended touchpoints for CDS and National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS) vaccination visits are listed in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Recommended touch points for CDS and NCIS vaccination visits:

National Childhood Immunisation Schedule.png


  • D1, D2, D3: Dose 1, Dose 2, Dose 3
  • B1, B2: Booster 1, Booster 2
  • 10-11, 12-13, 13-14 years: Primary 5, Secondary 1, Secondary 2 (Tdap, IPV, HPV (for females) and MMR (as catch-up) vaccines are provided as part of Health Promotion Board's school-based vaccination programme)
  • MMR: Only the dose 2 is recommended to be given as part of the MMRV vaccine
  • Hep B: Doses 2 and 3 are recommended to be given as part of the 6-in-1 vaccine at 2 and 6 months, respectively
  • Please visit Primary Care Pages ( for the NCIS.
  • Clinicians may wish to conduct the CDS together with vaccinations at 3 months old for children starting on 5-in-1 (DTaP/IPV/Hib) schedule, and at 4 months for children starting on the 6-in-1 schedule.

Full Subsidies for Childhood Development Screening:

To improve the affordability and accessibility of child health services in the community, Singaporean children will receive full subsidy for the seven childhood developmental screening milestones at all CHAS GPs with effect from 1st November 2020. A child who is a Singapore Citizen (SC) is eligible for up to one subsidised CDS visit for each milestone within the specific age ranges in Figure 1. MOH will be providing subsidies of $40 for each CDS visit to fully offset the screening charges for the child.

MOH Circulars

MOH FCM No. 41/2020: Extension of Subsidies for Nationally Recommended Vaccinations and Childhood Developmental Screening (CDS) at all Community Health Assist Scheme(CHAS) GP Clinics
Click here to download
MOH Circular 183/2020: Guidance on Childhood Developmental Screening
Click here to download

MOH Circular 19/2022: Revised Child Health Booklet and Addendum
Click here to download

MOH Circular 08/2025: New Childhood Health Behaviours Checklist For Childhood Developmental Screening
Click here to download

Child Health Booklet (CHB), CHB Addendum

Childhood Health Behaviours Checklist

Click here to download​

Webinar recording from Family Practice Skills Course on Childhood Developmental Screening 2020

18-19 July 2020

Day 1
Day 2