The National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS) was established in November 2017 to provide guidance on vaccinations that persons age 18 years or older should adopt to protect themselves against vaccine-preventable diseases. The overall recommendations for adult vaccinations in the NAIS remain the same since its inception in November 2017. Minor changes have been made to clarify existing recommendations, which are reflected in the updated schedule in Table 1.

Table 1: National Adult Immunisation Schedule


From 1st November 2020, The CDMP/CHAS Chronic guidelines on recommended groups for seasonal influenza vaccination will take reference from the latest NAIS/NCIS guidelines on nationally recommended groups for seasonal influenza vaccination. Please refer to Paragraph 8 of MOH Circular 53/2020 Clarification On Enhanced Coverage Under Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP/CHAS) For Influenza Vaccination and Updated Data Sharing Notice for the updated list of CDMP conditions recommended for influenza vaccination.

Subsidy framework for vaccination in the NAIS:
From 1 November 2020, Singaporean adults will receive means-tested subsidy for all NAIS vaccinations where the vaccine utilised is found on the Subsidised Vaccine List (SVL).
Patient's Fee Cap.png

Use of Medisave for vaccination in the NAIS:
MediSave-accredited providers can continue to submit MediSave claims for the remaining out-of-pocket cost of recommended vaccinations under NAIS under the MediSave500 scheme. Patients aged 60 and above can also tap on Flexi-MediSave.